well i have coronavirus 🌧 vlog

hello cinnamon bun.

I started filming a vlog about creating a neighbourhood whatsapp group over a month ago.

then life happened and it fell by the wayside, and then…

corona! symptoms! self isolation!

and while I felt too ill to do much of anything for about three weeks, I decided now was a GREAT TIME to finish the neighbourhood whatsapp project. so with the scraps of energy i could muster between waves of fatigue, i did it.

and here’s a vlog of the process.

the chat from a month ago, pre-corona ends about 18:00 min in, if you want to skip it.

πŸ‘†click to watch πŸ‘†

take care of yourself cinnamon bun.

love and magic,

Rachael ⚑️✨

vlogsRachael Stephen