✵ the Lenormand Companion Journal

✵ the Lenormand Companion Journal


a powerful digital grimoire for your lenormand practice

this digital Notion-powered journal is designed to help you easily craft interpretations, quickly record your readings and store all the notes you’ll ever need about your deck.

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what’s inside

Journal Guide

this guide gives a video-tour of the journal, and a tutorial on how to use and personalise it.


this is the bread and butter of the Lenormand Companion Journal: a database of journal entries for each reading. you can use the included template to quickly make each reading page beautiful, then move through the properties, linking the appropriate spreads and cards to build your reading.

quickly hop over to a card that came up to see all your information on it, then hop back to the reading to note your interpretation and takeaways.

if you prefer to record video or audio of your reading instead of making text notes, you can embed them on the page.


this is a living encyclopaedia you can build over time. there’s a page for every card, ready to be filled with source material from your favourite books and sites, and your own personal notes.

fully editable, these pages can be as simple as a few keywords, and they can stretch and grow as your relationship with each card deepens, without ever running out of space. these will link to your readings, so you can easily see when each card has come up.


this is where you can store spreads, everything from the simple pair spread all the way up to the Grand Tableau. you can clip spreads you’ve seen online, and store notes on how to read them, or use the template to design your own. these will link to your readings, so you can see exactly when you’ve used a spread.


this is where you can keep notes on your personal process for reading the cards, and be easily reminded of the steps when doing readings.

why i made it

when i got the Magpie’s Lenormand deck, i immediately fell in love with it. it quickly became my favourite deck, and ignited a renewed passion for lenormand. i started reading much more often, and as i went deeper i wanted a place to make notes about my readings, and to store my thoughts on the cards. i looked at the different physical and digital journals on offer, but couldn’t find anything that had everything i needed. so i set about designing my own, and was happy to find it worked wonderfully. not only did i have a quick, easy way to record my readings but the templates actually helped me during the reading itself - creating a step-by-step process to build my understanding and interpretation.

why i went digital


i LOVE analogue, but i knew i would have a LOT of notes to make in a lenormand journal and the prospect of writing all that by hand was intimidating. i already bullet journal and do a lot of handwriting, so digital just seemed easier.

unlimited space

i saw some absolutely beautiful physical tarot and lenormand journals out there, but even with a whole page dedicated to my notes about each card, i knew i would run out of space eventually. i want to have a lenormand practice that lasts for YEARS, and i want my journal to be a future-proof, long-term reference guide. i want to be able to keep adding notes about my relationship with the Clover card, for instance, without ever running out of space.


with a digital journal, i can do readings anywhere without being anchored to my altar or having to heave another journal around in my bag all day. i like to do my actual readings on the app on my phone, but if i want to customise my setup or make detailed notes on a specific card, i use my laptop.

easily save other references

i realised that with a digital Notion journal, i could save card meanings and notes from ANYWHERE, without having to painstakingly write them all out. i could save interpretations from my favourite different books and sources, instead of having to flip through four different books.

what is Lenormand?

Lenormand is a 36-card system for insight and divination, like tarot’s little sister. there are no suits, but cards are usually read in pairs or combinations rather than by themselves. because it’s read “synctactically”, interpreting Lenormand readings can be like a fun word-game. there are big, complex spreads (like the Grand Tableau) if you want to get nerdy with it, but i only tend to read pairs and triplets and still get a huge bang for my buck.

what is Notion?

Notion is an app i use for EVERYTHING - it’s my google docs, my spreadsheet software, my trello and project management stuff all rolled into one. i pay for it because i use it to collaborate with Christi & others in my business, but if you’re just using it personally as an individual, it’s free!

how it works when you buy

  1. you complete your purchase on the site

  2. you’ll receive an email with a link to download your PDF (it expires after 24hrs, so download it immediately)

  3. open the PDF and you’ll find instructions and your link to the journal

  4. follow the instructions to copy it to your Notion workspace

  5. save the PDF in case you ever want to download a fresh copy in future.

returns policy

please note that because this is a digital download product, we are not offering returns or refunds and all sales are final. if you have questions before buying, feel free to send us a message here. thanks!

✵ the Lenormand Companion Journal
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✵ the Tarot Companion Journal
